
Non-Forfeiture Provision

In Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policies, the Non-Forfeiture Provision is a vital clause designed to protect policyholders' investments.

What is Non-Forfeiture Provision?

In Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policies, the Non-Forfeiture Provision is a vital clause designed to protect policyholders' investments. Its main features:

  • Benefits Retention: Guarantees a portion of benefits or accumulated cash value if the policy is terminated or surrendered early.
  • Protection Options: Includes reduced paid-up insurance, extended term insurance, or a cash surrender value.

This provision ensures that policyholders retain some policy value, safeguarding their contributions even if they're unable to continue with premium payments.

In Indexed Universal Life (IUL) policies, the Non-Forfeiture Provision is a vital clause designed to protect policyholders' investments.

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